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in Anonymity, privacy and security by Small Dick (4.7k points)  

4 Answers

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i am using windows and Tor no vm
by Cunt (500 points)  
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I use Kali linux and Tor. Sometimes, I connect through windows.
by Child of God (8.2k points)  
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I am using tails Linux from my school computer as I am writing this message I always keep a tails Linux USB on me
by Cunt (400 points)  
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I used window for Darkweb for years
by Mao Tse-Tung (17.2k points)  
i have read that windows was very bad to enter the darkweb, they spy on you and many other things, what do you think about it?
they just see some p*rn history and dump stuff and on the other hand like i use facebbok whatsapp and other social media so hacker will be happy about this